In the name of God, Amen, I, Henry
Albertson of the township of Knowlton
in the County of Warren & State of New
Jersey do make & declare this my last will
& Testament.
First it is my will & I do order that all my just
debts and funeral charges be duly paid and
satisfied as soon as conveniently can be
after my decease.
Item. It is my will & I do hereby authorize & em-
power my executors herein after named
and the survivors & survivor of them to sell
all my estate both real & personal at
public vendue to the highest bidder,
& make & execute good & sufficient convey-
ance or conveyances to the purchaser or pur-
chasers of my real estate; and I desire that
such sale be made as soon as conveniently
can be after my decease, and the proceeds
of such sale & all other of my estate I give
and bequeath as follows. First I give & be-
queath to my grand daughter Sarah
Ribble daughter of David Ribble eight
hundred dollars, and it is my will & I hereby
request my executors to put the said sum of
eight hundred dollars out at interest on
good security & the interest arising there-
from to be added to the principal & the
whole thereof to be paid to my said grand-
daughter when she arrives to the age of
eighteen years. The rest and residue of my
estate I order and direct to be equally divided
among my children, share and share alike,
to wit, William, Derrick, Eli, Agnew,
Henry & John, Sarah, wife of Mathias Cum-
mins, Jane wife of Charles Hartung and
Susan wife of John Burd. In case any
of my said children should die before re-
ceiving their share then in that case the
child or children of said deceased one shall
be entitled to the same share as the pa-
rents would have been if living.
Item. Whereas I have sold the river lot contain-
ing sixty-six acres or thereabouts to John I. Blair
and have this day made and executed a deed to
him for the same, I order and direct my said
executors to retain the said deed in their
hand until the first day of April next &
then upon the said John I. Blair ful-
filling his part of the contract to deliver
the said deed to the said John I. Blair.
Item. It is my desire & I hereby request that Jane
Hay, now living with me, stay & take care of
my house until after the vendue & to
get such things as may be necessary for
house use & also to get a girl to stay with
her & that they be paid out of my estate.
Item. I give unto the said Jane Hay, as a
present, in consideration of her faithful-
ness to me the bureau in the east room
now occupied by me.
Lastly I hereby appoint my sons William
F. Albertson, Henry Albertson & Derrick
Albertson executors of this my last
will & testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand & seal this third day of September
in the year of out Lord one thousand eight
hundred & fifty three.
Signed sealed published
& declared as his last will &
testament by the testator in our presence who
at his request & in his presence & in the presence of
each other have hereunto set our hands as witnesses.