This indenture made the ninth day of July in
the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and
Sixteen between Nicholas Albertson Esquire and Japey
his wife of the Township of Knowlton in the County
of Sussex and State of New Jersey of the one part and
Henry Albertson of the Township of Knowlton in the County of Sussex and State of New
Jersey aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Albertson Esquire
and Japey his wife for and in consideration of Two thousand five
hundred Dollars good and lawful money of the United States to them in hand
well and Truly paid by the said Henry Albertson at and before the sealing and
Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Nicholas
Albertson herewith fully satisfied contented and paid hath given granted bargained
and Sold aliened enscoffed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth
give grant bargain sell alien enscoff convey and confirm to the said Henry
Albertson and to his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of Land
and premises herein after particularly described situate in the Township
of Knowlton in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey butted and bounded
as follows. Beginning at a heap of stone in Jacob Angles line the same being a corner
to lines of Cornelius Albertson late of the Township of Knowlton deceased (1) Thence north
Eighty two degrees East Forty five chains and Seventy five links along said Jacob
Angle's line and Henry Hartung's line to a heap of Stones for a corner near a Small
W Oak (2) Thence South twenty five degrees and 45 minuts West along Craigs line
thirty three chains and seventy eight links to a stone corner in said Craigs
line The same being a Division Corner between Elem Albertson and Henry
Albertson (3) Thence north sixty three degrees and fourty five minuts West Thirty two chains
and ten links along said division line to a Stone corner in the Division line of
Nicholas Albertson Esq and the estate of Cornelius Albertson late of the Township of
Knowlton deceased (4) Thence along said Division line North three degrees West
fourteen chains to the beginning Containing Eighty Six acres and fourteen
hundredths of an acre Strict measure the same being a part of the Plantation
on which Nicholas Albertson Esq now lives - Together with all and Singular
the /nefits priviledges and advantages with the appurtanances to the same belonging
or in any wise appertaining also all the Estate right title Interest property claim and
Demand whatever of the said Nicholas Albertson Esq and Japey his wife of, in,
and to the Same and of, in, and to every part and parcel there of to have and to hold
all and Singular the above tract or lot of land and premises, with the appurte
=nances unto the said Henry Albertson his heirs and assigns to the only proper
use, benefit and behoof of the said Henry Albertson his heirs and assigns forever, and
The said Nicholas Albertson Esq doth for himself his heirs executed and adminis
=trators covenant and grant to and with the said Henry Albertson his heirs
and assigns that they the said Nicholas Albertson and Japey his wife
are the true lawful and right owner of all and Singular the above
Described land and premises and of every part and parcel thereof and
are now lawfully seized and posessed of the same as a good perfect and
absolute estate of inheritance in fee Simple and that the said land and
premises or any part there of at the time of the leaving and delivery of
These presents are not encumbered by any Mortgage Judgement Daccess Recogni
=zance or limitation or by any incumberance whatever by which the title
of the said Nicholas Albertson Esquire hereby made or intended to be made
for the above described land and premises can or may be charged, changed,
altered or defeated in any way whatever and also that the said Nicholas
Albertson Esquire now hath good right and full power and lawful authority
to grant bargain Sell and convey the said land and premises in
manner aforesaid also that he will Warrant Secure and forever defend
the Said land and premises unto the said Henry Albertson his heirs and
assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all and every
person and person freely and clearly freed and discharged of and
from all manner of incumbrances whatsoever. In Witness where of the
Said Nicholas Albertson Esq and Japey his wife hath hereunto Set their
hands and seals the day and year first above Written
Signed sealed and delivered
in The presence of
Barnabus Swayze
Thos B. Afflick
State of New Jersey
Sussex County . . . . Be it remembered that on the
Thirteenth Day of August Eighteen Hundred and Sixteen personally
appeared before me Barnabus Swayze one of the judges of the Court of
Common Pleas in and for the County of Sussex Nicholas Albertson
and Japea his wife the grantors of the foregoing Indenture and
Severally acknowledged that they signed sealed and delivered the same
as their Voluntary Act and Deed for the purposes therein Expressed. The
Said Japea being examined by me "ex part" from her husband acknowledged
that she executed the said Deed without fear threats or compulsion from her
Lord Husband.