In The Name of God amen - I Nicholas of the Township of Knowlton County of Sussex & State of
New Jarsay being of sound mind & memrey do make this my last will and Testament first I desier almighty
God to Receve my Sole who gave it to me & my Body to the Earth from whence it came To be deasantly
by my executors here after menshoned. As for my Worly Estate I desier that my Dear Wife Japie
and her ant Cathreen Ensley be seported and maintained by my Son Henry during thire Lives
and the surviving children of my decesed Daughter Angleche to be paid one hundred dollars Each as
thay arve of full age by my Executors Nicholas Albertson Son of Garret. And I give my son Dirck the two Lots
of land whare on he now liveth he first paying to my Daughter Udick the present wife of Peter Engle
one thousand dollars in four equel payments that is to say two hundred & fifty dollars in one yeare
after my deth and so on yearly untill the one thousand dollars be fuly paid. And I give to my Son
Henry my

Plantation he first paying to my Daughter Cathrena one thousand dollars in four
equel yarly payments the first to be paid in one yeare as above

And I give to my Daughter
Elizabeth one thousand dollars dollars to be paid as above by my Executors

And I give to my Son
Elam one dollar now as the remainder of thirteen
and one d hundred dollars which I have paid him alredy
at his request

But shold any of my children die leaving no living isue thire share to be equly devided
amongst my surviving children

Now shold any despute arise among my children I desier that
thay go not to Law But Leave all to three indifrent men - one to be chosen by my Executors & one by each
party in the dispute thire judgment to be final and conclusif

And the remander of my estate if any to be
equly devided among my children share and share alike
Witness my hand & seal the tenth day of July & in the yeare of our Lord Eighteen hund
-ed and Sixteen - an adomany 1816 July the tenth.

Sussex County: Mary Vankamp one of the witnesses to the written testament being
duly sworn did depose & say that she saw Nicholas Albertson the testator therein named
sign & seal the same & heard him publish pronounce & declare the written writing to be his
last will & testament, and at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound & disposing
mind & memory as far as she knows & as she verily believes, and that Philip Mann
the other subscribing witness was present at the same time and signed his name as
witness to the said will together with this deponant in the presence of the said

testator _______________
Sworn at Newton the 31st day of August
Anno Domini 1818 before me
D. Stuart, Surrogate
Sussex County: James Ramsay one of the witnesses to the written testament being duly sworn did depose and say that he saw
Nicholas Albertson the testator therein acknowledge the same & heard him publish pronounce & declare the written
writing to be his last will & testament and at the time of doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and
memory as far as he knows and as he verily believes, and that Susannah Albertson the other subscribing witness was present
at the same time and signed her name as witness to the said will together with this deponant in the presence

of the said testator ____
Sworn at Newton the 31st day of August
Anno Domini 1818 before me
D. Stuart, Surrogate