Welcome! This site is intended for the descendants of William Arthur Kelly (1835-1920). It touches on his mother, the circumstances of his birth, his wife Charlotte Seward (1843-1925), their children and grandchildren. It's loaded with pictures and newspaper clippings. I've tried to make it entertaining as well as informative.
William and Charlotte had 12 children in Baltimore between 1863 and 1886, but only five of them reached adulthood and only four of those had children of their own. I'm descended from their son William Arthur Kelly Jr, who I believe went by "Will". He and his wife Lillian Braunreuter had two sons, William Arthur Kelly III (who I
know went by "Will" because that's what I was taught to call him) and my grandfather, Mahlon Grant Kelly. He went by "Bill", my late father did and I do too. Dad was the only grandchild of Will and Lillian. He was the only great-grandchild of Lillian's parents. His name was William Arthur Kelly, the fourth one in the family, but technically he was not WAK IV because WAK III was his uncle, not his father.
My grandfather was born in Baltimore on Groundhog Day 1906. He was named after his uncle, the youngest son of William and Charlotte. His father died when he was 1½, so he wouldn't have remembered him (Great Uncle Will was a few years older, so he probably did). Around 1911 Lillian married her brother-in-law
Mahlon, 14 years her junior. For awhile there were 2 Mahlon Grant Kellys in the house! But not for long, they soon divorced. Dad's collection includes Lillian's copy of the divorce decree. Mahlon remarried after a number of years, but they, too, divorced. He had no children from either marriage.
The other children of William and Charlotte who lived to adulthood were Laura, Jenny and Edward. Laura married Harvey Paul Brown of New York. They had 3 children, Natalie, William Harold, and Lucille Virginia Brown. Natalie died in childhood. I've been able to trace
Harold to about the end of WWI; he appears again in the 1940 and 1950 censuses in a V.A. mental institution in Perry Point MD. Both censuses indicate that he was married. He died in Florida on 4 February 1963. V.A. records indicate that he lived in Englewood NJ, the next town over from where I was a 3rd grader at the time! Lucille lived with her Aunt Jenny in 1920, Laura having died at 50 in 1919. She married twice, to Earl Whitson and James Davis Robertson, with no children from either marriage.
Jennie married Evelyn
1 Dinsmore Calvert, son of Adam Calvert who I'll introduce on the next page. They had 4 daughters, Lillian Elaine (married Seth Solomon Pope), Marguerite Rebecca (married Paul Patrick Pope, Seth's brother), Evelyn Dorothy (married James Grier Potts) and Charlotte Selene (married William Rae Perrine). Two children, Natalie and Stanley, died in early childhood. I've been able to trace the Pope, Potts and Perrine lines to people who are alive today, and I've reached out to some of them, with one respondent as of this writing, William R Perrine of Richmond, who goes by "Bill" and with whom I had a delightful conversation via US Mail.
Finally, there's Edward. He married Lily Ray Butler of Virginia. They had a daughter Audrey and a son Calvert. Both have living descendants. I've had some contact with Audrey's line, but none so far with Calvert's. I'll keep trying.
A word about the links on this site. First of all, I've colored them brown, and if you roll your mouse over them they light up mustard yellow. Many of them bring up internal pop-ups - images or text boxes surrounded by a translucent black curtain. The text boxes have a "Close" button at the bottom. To dismiss the images, simply click on them. There are external links as well, mostly to Wikipedia and Find-a-Grave, and of course to other pages on this site. Use your browser's

button to return from these links. Please click on the links! That's where most of the fun stuff is, for instance William Arthur Kelly's death certificate.
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1 Evelyn is an unusual name to give a son, and apparently people of his time thought so too. I've seen it spelled a variety of ways, the most common variant being "Everlan". His grandson Bill Perrine informs me that his name was indeed Evelyn. Thanks, Bill!