In 1742 or thereabouts, a family of 7 living in the Dutch section of what is now Nassau County on Long Island picked up and moved west. They were Nicholas Albertson, his wife Engeltie Vandewater Albertson, and their children Anglechea (1732-10/11/1807), Garret (5/10/1735-8/12/1813), Cornelius (9/3/1737-3/21/1813), Dorothy (9/3/1737-) his twin, and Abigail (1739-). They settled in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where three more children were born, Sarah (6/18/1743-11/26/1836), Nicholas Jr. (1746-8/16/1818) and John (1749-2/3/1822). Nicholas was a millwright. The family moved often, as he completed one project and relocated a few miles to start the next. In 1760 Nicholas contracted smallpox, which took his life that spring. That fall Engeltie contracted pleurisy, which took hers. Five of their children were adults by then and Sarah nearly so, but Nicholas and John were 14 and 11. There's no record of who watched out for them while they finished growing up, but both survived into adulthood and on to a reasonably old age in the 19th century.
Cornelius married a girl named Mary Robeson* (6/26/1740-5/27/1807) on 29 October 1756. Mary lived with her parents in what is now the village of Delaware in Knowlton Twp, NJ in a house that's still standing. It's not certain how they met, they lived 25 miles of mostly wilderness apart. In his journal** Garret mentions "I was one month on the frontiers" early in the French and Indian War which would be 1755 or 1756. The frontier at the time was Sussex County, including present-day Warren County which wasn't calved from Sussex until 20 November 1824.
Garret could have been anywhere from Belvidere to Port Jervis. That includes Delaware, where the Robeson House served as a fortress against marauders, being built of stone on high ground overlooking the Delaware River. Maybe Garret met Mary there and somehow introduced her to his brother. Maybe Cornelius served with Garret on the frontier and met Mary there himself. In any case they did meet and get married, and at some point Cornelius moved in with his in-laws. It's likely that he brought his brother Nicholas to live with him in the fall of 1760 after the loss of their parents, because not long afterward in the early 1760s Nicholas married a girl named Japie Aten, who lived just across the river from Delaware NJ. The young couple, both well under 20, settled on the plateau high above the Delaware River flood plain, 250 yards northeast of Blair's Knob, a 20 minute walk from Cornelius' house by the easiest route. Over the next years and decades they cleared and tilled the 170 acres they owned (land was so cheap at the frontier in northwestern New Jersey in the 1760s that apparently even teenagers could own that much of it) and they built a beautiful home over a natural spring that stood for 200 years. Four generations of Albertsons lived and died in that house - Nicholas and Japie and their family, their youngest son Henry and his family, his eldest son William F., and his family of daughters and a live-in niece. These families left rich traces in church records, tax records, bibles, censuses and newspapers. They signed deeds, wrote wills, filed insurance claims. When they died their survivors placed head stones in their memory. This, a work in progress, is their story.
Who was Nicholas Albertson Sr?
1816 Deed of 86 Acres from Nicholas Albertson to his son Henry
Be sure to click through to the maps!
Will of Nicholas Albertson, d. August 16, 1818


(cleaned up image, big file, best to download)
Spoiler alert: Henry ends up with the rest of the farm. "humslid" is a link to my notes, including a few words on the pdf's.
Will of Henry Albertson, d. October 21, 1853With links to my notes and observations, and to a page of biopics of Henry's heirs.
The Albertson farm goes to William F. Albertson, Henry's oldest son, by way of Jacob D. Addis Two 1855 deeds 3 weeks apart concerning the same property, presented side by side.
Growing Up Albertson - 4 Sisters and a Cousin
Some of the images are links to full-sized copies. Click if you're having trouble reading. Click the 1886 inventory booklet to flip the pages.
Interactive Albertson Genealogy
I've had some great help along the way. Jill McCollum tossed me a couple of web pages early on, one of which prompted me to get in touch with Don Dorflinger, who recommended that I join the Knowlton & Blairstown Facebook group, where I met the incredible Cynthia Montes and a great bunch of other "townies" including my first live Albertson, Betty Ann King. Betty Ann has sent me some deeds and put me in touch with her very distant cousin Scott Reichard who has done a ton of Albertson genealogy research. I found Lisa Milton at, where she left a request for a headstone photo that I tried and failed to fulfill (not my fault! The stone is broken). She's descended from Uncle Eli, younger brother of William F. Albertson. She sent me pdf's of Nicholas' and Henry's wills and the deeds from Nicholas to Henry and from Henry's estate to Addis. These are the items that got this website started. The newspaper clippings in the scrapbook and that great 1895 photo of the school staff were simply handed to me by Cynthia, and she did me the great favor of getting me the deed from Jacob D. Addis to William F. Albertson at my request. Thank you so much for all you've done, Cynthia Montes!
I was inspired by my brother Peter Kelly to get started on this, and also by Dan Karcher, creator and maintainer of the
Eagle' media site, from which I might have borrowed a picture or two.